Wineglass Bay, Freycinet National Park, Tasmania, Australia

Executive summary by darmansjah

The wattle has been golden since July and now is being joined by splashes of white and yellow from the spring blossoms. The days are getting longer making for relaxing evening strolls along the beach.

The sunsets are golden. The weather is fine. There is lots to do.  Take the cruise around the Peninsula. Have a leisurely walk in Freycinet National Park. Kayak around the Bay. Go bush on a quad bike. See Wineglass Bay from the air.

Come and relax in one of the world's beauty spots.

The Freycinet Experience

Mention Coles Bay, Wineglass Bay, and Freycinet National Park to a Tasmanian and you'll see eyes light up with thoughts of fishing and boating, bushwalking, sea kayaking, rock climbing, sun and sand, and spectacular coastal scenery.

Where else in Australia can you find pink granite mountains rising straight from the sea to form a magnificent sheltered waterway or one of the top ten beaches in the world, Wineglass Bay?

Coles Bay, Tasmania sits at the foot of the granite mountains known as the Hazards and on the edge of the world-renowned Freycinet National Park and Wineglass Bay, about two and 1/2 hours drive from Hobart and Launceston on the east coast of Tasmania.

Facilities in Coles Bay or on the Freycinet range from luxury accommodation and gourmet restaurants to wilderness camping and self-catering. Freycinet National Park is home to the only interpretation centre on the east coast of Tasmania. 

Coles Bay, Tasmania: Australia's First Plastic Bag Free Town. In April we celebrated the 10th anniversary of becoming Australia's first plastic shopping bag free town.

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